WrestleMania is now officially in the history books, and there are some people that didn't like It and then there are some who actually enjoyed. We saw two new champions crowned, One was The Miz who won the Intercontinental Champion in the pre-show and the other was John Cena who won the WWE Champion in the main event. 8 Superstars couldn't have their WrestleMania match due to less time I believe. I thought WrestleMania 29 was great. Let's look at all the matches and discuss.
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The Miz celebrates after winning the Intercontinental Champion |
The Miz vs Wade Barrett was a short match which surprised me because I expected to be longer. The pre-show was one hour long and the only match they had in the pre-show was this match, so I thought It would be a bit long but It was about 5 minutes. The end came when Miz applied the Figure-four lock and Barrett tapped out. I wasn't surprised that Miz won because I predicted him to win anyways.
The Shield vs Orton/Sheamus/Show was an enjoyable match. Best thing WWE did was to have The Shield win and continue their winning streak. The worst thing about It was a Big Show 99194959395th heel turn. I mean, come on now we all know turning Big Show is like a monthly tradition but He just turned well kinda face like 2 weeks ago and then 2 weeks later when Fans are expecting Randy Orton to turn heel and all, WWE turns Big Show face. It was a great match, Loved the RKO from Orton to Seth Rollins. I don't think WWE will ever turn Randy Orton heel.
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Ryback shell shocked Mark Henry |
Ryback vs Mark Henry - Out of every match, This was the only match that I predicted wrong. They had Mark Henry win against Ryback but after the match Ryback shell shocked Henry. In case you don't know, This is Ryback's 6th or 7th PPV that He has lost, Last pay-per view that He won was MITB 2012. I thought the whole point of this match was for Ryback to have his WM moment by giving Henry a shell shock which He did but in a winning case. I know, Ryback will probably get revenge in the next ppv but Fact is Ryback lost at WrestleMania.
Team Hell No vs Big E and Dolph Ziggler was a decent match. Big E's debut was also Impressive. The Ziggler/AJ kiss spot before the match was very well done, and Daniel Bryan almost went for the pin but Ziggler kicked out so that was a good touch. In the end, Kane gave Ziggler a chokeslam and a flying headbutt from Bryan that ended the match and Still your Tag Team Champions!
Fandango vs Chris Jericho - Entertaining match. Of course, I wasn't surprised that Fandango won because It was obvious that Jericho will put him over. Wonder if WWE will make something of this Fandango gimmick or make him another Lord Tensai. The match was decent, I wanted Jericho to win but I already knew He wasn't gonna win.
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Alberto Del Rio defeats Jack Swagger |
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Jack Swagger - If you noticed the fans weren't that hot for some matches in the first 30 minutes but the crowd were totally dead for this match. Jack Swagger got a jobber entrance at WrestleMania and does WWE want fans to think a guy that got a jobber entrance at WM is going to win the World Heavyweight Champion? Try again. Fans were chanting 'We Want Ziggler" almost through out the whole match which tells you a lot. I'm telling you this is going to continue until Ziggler doesn't cash-in. For last 5+ months, When there is a World Hvt. Champion match, The fans are mostly looking forward to what will happen AFTER the match not what's happening in the match. Both used numerous
submission , Which leads me to believe that at Extreme Rules they'll have a rematch Submission vs Submission match.
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21-0 |
The Undertaker vs CM Punk was the best match of the night. The crowd was totally into It. CM Punk was played out to the ring by Living Colour was very cool to see, It was actually nice. Both hit their best finishers and both countered. I really wanted to see the announce table break when Punk hit a elbow drop, but It didn't. CM Punk kicking out of the tombstone and the crowd went crazy, No matter How predictable you find It, Whenever Undertaker fights at 'Mania every pinfall gets me on the edge of my seat. The Undertaker won the match at end but make no mistake about It, the match was awesome. The match was predictable? Kind of but CM Punk was looked as a threat in the match so regardless, It was one awesome match.
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Triple H wins |
Triple H vs Brock Lesnar - HHH started this match strong but Lesnar dominated him through out the entire match. Shawn Michaels was ringside Who gave Paul Heyman a sweet chin music, but also took a F5 from the beast. The crowd wasn't really Into the match, so I think they should've had the Taker vs Punk match second last. Triple H using Lesnar's submission was very well done because that's How Lesnar beat him last year at SummerSlam, but a pedigree on the steel steps was needed for the win. Triple H won and he got his win back. Yay.
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The Rock and Cena hugs after their match |
The Rock (c) vs John Cena - Another rematch on the card beside Lesnar vs HHH. They aired the video package for this match like 3 times through out the show but they did not show It right before the match, How classic is that. The crowd were kind of dead for this match early on, I think they chanted 'boring' and that's not good for a Main Event of WrestleMania. Even though using finishers every 2 minutes made their finishers look weak, That's what got the fans excited. The best part about the match that I found was when Cena was trying to do the peoples elbow just like He did last year and He didn't do It and was smiling, Yeah people that's a heel move. I thought their match last night was better than their match last year. John Cena won the match with an AA to The Rock and they had a handshake after the match and a hug on the ramp. "The Champ is here" - John Cena.. as we go off the air.
WrestleMania 29 was a great PPV, well at least I found It. If you're going to compare It to WM28 then It's not better. WM28 had hype, good build-up and etc. This year's WrestleMania had bad build up for most of the matches, and the matches in general weren't even better than last years. My predictions were almost all right except for Mark Henry vs Ryback match.
Thanks for reading, You can follow me on twitter: @OfficialCenafan.
Image credit: WWE.com
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