Tag Team Championship: Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins vs The Usos
This was probably the best pre-show match ever. It was given enough time and It was really good. The Usos were looked really strong vs Shield, there were couple of falls where I thought they might win. The Tower of Doom spot was really awesome. Should this match been on the actual pay-per-view? Absolutely, It was way better than Axel vs Miz. But I see they are trying to put relevant matches on the pre-show. Good win for The Shield but I expect another rematch at SummerSlam.
Winners: The Shield
World Heavyweight Championship: Contract MITB Ladder match
The show kicked off with this match as it has for the last 3 years. World Heavyweight Championship MITB has kicked off the MITB pay-per-view in 2010, 2011, and last year as well. Cesaro and Swagger worked together through out the whole match which was cool to see. There were no babyfaces in this match but Hell Philly cheered almost all of them. They love heels. Cody Rhodes was the star of this match. That Ambrose spot was cool too, Really liked It. Damien Sandow winning the MITB was definitely a surprise for me because I didn't expect him to win at all. However, I did see the break-up of The Rhodes Scholars coming. Sandow is great, so I didn't really have a problem with him winning. I can see Damien Sandow vs Cody Rhodes with the MITB briefcase on-the-line at SummerSlam.
Winner: Damien Sandow
Brad Maddox - The New General manager of Raw came out. He had a video tribute for Vickie Guerrero. This whole segment was painful, It was absolutely pointless. I thought It was a waste of time, I like Maddox but this was just stupid.
Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel vs The Miz
The Miz pretended to be hurt and the ref banned Paul Heyman from ringside. Yeah and then The Philly crowd booed. If WWE really thought banning Heyman from ringside would make the crowd in Philly happy then That was dumb. Some "We Want Heyman" chants after he left. This match was quite boring, just couple of spots worth noting. It wasn't bad, but not good either. I'm glad Axel retained. Now turn Miz heel please, He sucks as a babyface.
Winner: Curtis Axel
Divas Championship: AJ Lee vs Kaitlyn
Layla ringside does nothing for anyone, I don't even know why she is always there with Kaitlyn, I expected her to turn heel on Kaitlyn here but #lol. This feud has been entertaining but I hope this match was the end of It. AJ beat Kaitlyn clean, Let's move on to AJ vs Natalya.
Winner: AJ Lee
Chris Jericho vs Ryback
Let me remind you again, Ryback had not won a PPV at all since last 12 months until tonight. His last PPV win came off at MITB 2012, So It was good to see him finally get a win on ppv. The Monster Ryback winning via roll-up was pretty weak finish but At least he won the match. Chris Jericho will be leaving soon anyway to tour with Fozzy.
Winner: Ryback
World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler
Another good match between these two but I hope this was the last time but I don't think so. These two have wrestled each other so many times on Raw, Smackdown, PPVs before. The matches has always been good though. Ziggler received huge cheers from the crowd during the match. Lots of "Lets Go Ziggler" chants. This is obviously leading to the break-up of Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee. I could see Langston (W/AJ) vs Dolph Ziggler happening at SummerSlam.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
WWE Championship: John Cena vs Mark Henry
This match was surprisingly better than I thought It would be. You know this wouldn't be a great match but It wasn't boring or anything. The crowd was totally into It. Henry dominated Cena through out the whole match. The fact that they kept making It look like Cena cant lift up Henry was stupid, He has done It before. I literally thought this match would be Henry dominating Cena and then Cena all of a sudden hits a AA to win but I was happy that's not how It ended. Cena hit the AA and Henry kicked out, I liked that. However, Henry taping out was weak. It made Henry look weak, and killed all his momentum. The good thing is since Henry lost clean, This match doesn't need to happen again.
Winner: John Cena
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RVD makes his return |
All Stars MITB Ladder Match [WWE Championship contract]
This was a great match. I had high hopes for It, It didn't disappoint. Was this better than the Smackdown MITB? Probably not but Still It was an enjoyable match. RVD had some great spots which the crowd loved. I knew Punk would be close to winning It and then something would happen but I expected Lesnar to show up and cost him Instead. Paul Heyman costing CM Punk the match was brilliant, sets up Brock Lesnar vs CM Punk at SummerSlam. Axel costing Bryan might mean we will get a Axel/Bryan feud? I don't know. Orton/Bryan/RVD were my top 3 picks to win this match, but in the end Bryan/Orton were my picks. Randy Orton winning the match wasn't that bad but I guess this sets up the long awaited heel turn. Look out for Orton to cash-in very soon.
Winners: The Shield, Damien Sandow, Curtis Axel, Ryback, AJ Lee, Alberto Del Rio, John Cena, Randy Orton.
Overall, This was a great show. The two ladder matches were the highlight of the show and not surprisingly so. No title changes tonight but We might get a New World or WWE Champion at SummerSlam. Every pay-per-view this year has been enjoyable and now I can't wait for what we will see in the coming weeks! Looking forward to It.
Follow me on Twitter: @OfficialCenafan
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