Here I will tell my thoughts about matches and segments plus my personal Opinion about It. So Let's start!
Raw kicked off with Paul Heyman who was here to announce that He is resigning From Raw, but that didn't really happen After his talk with CM Punk, I guess.

1st Match of the night was Mark Henry vs Great Khali - Another pointless match but I see where WWE is going with this, They have to make Henry look strong. Henry defeated Khali as expected, and He also Inducted Hornswoggle in the Hall of Pain.
2nd Match: Chris Jericho vs Daniel Bryan - Amazing match between the two. I heard this match has happend nearly about 3 years ago on NXT but this definitely felt like a Fresh match up. Chris Jericho defeated Daniel Bryan and will now be part of the Smackdown Elimination Chamber This Sunday.
3rd Match: 3MB vs John Cena, Ryback and Sheamus - A Pointless and predictable match. I know WWE had to make Cena, Ryback and Sheamus look strong heading in to Elimination Chamber PPV but come on You aren't really doing anything by defeating 3MB. The post match promo from the three was great and It hyped their match against The Shield at Elimination Chamber.
Speaking of Pointless, Big Show's segment where He knocked Matt Striker out was very stupid. Big Show didn't speak at all, but It wouldn't have been different If he was cutting a promo any ways.
4th Match: Jack Swagger vs Zack Ryder - These two feuded for the United States Champion last year and Can't believe their match last year was about 3-4 minutes with Swagger picking the victory last night. Basically a squash match. I don't even know Who that guy with Jack Swagger is but I believe his name is Zeb Coulter.
5th Match: The Miz vs Cody Rhodes - Fine match between these two. It ended in a DQ but It's understandable. The attack Miz got after the match from Antonio Cesaro was awesome as well. I do wonder How WWE kept their feud off for like few weeks and then all of a sudden they are feuding. I'm expecting a rematch between Miz and Cesaro at Elimination Chamber.
6th Match: Brodus Clay and Lord Tensai vs Epico and Primo - So after all Lord Tensai is officially a "baby face" now. He has a dancing gimmick now, I guess. I don't really care about Tensai's new gimmick because crowd wasn't really giving any crap about him as a Heel whatsoever.
Wonderful promo from The Shield. Dean Ambrose was at his best yet again and Seth Rollins was also great. Cena's team getting the better of the Shield at Raw makes me believe that the Shield will win at Elimination Chamber. It's How It goes usually, When Faces/Heels gets the upper hand on TV then they usually lose on PPV.
6th Match: Alberto Del Rio vs Damien Sandow - Another great but short match. This was also a fresh match up but wish It could've been longer. I enjoyed Sandow's promo before the match as well, It was hilarious. I guess we will see Big Show vs Alberto Del Rio at Elimination Chamber again.
7th Match: Kofi Kingston vs Wade Barrett - Fine match up between The Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett and Kofi Kingston. I find It stupid that Kofi Kingston is still being considered as a jobber, I mean I'm not saying He should have defeated Barrett but come on I don't remember Kofi Kingston winning a match in recent weeks.
8th Match: Kane vs Dolph Ziggler - When the match was announced, I honestly expected Dolph Ziggler to win but I was really surprised that Kane won. but now It seems as to why most people thought Ziggler would lose because they are expecting him to cash in at EC PPV. I think It would be pretty awesome If Ziggler wins at EC and Jericho win the SD Elimination Chamber and we get a match between these two at Wrestlemania for the World Heavyweight Title.
The Ending to Raw wasn't anything special to be honest, The Rock's promo was one of his worst. I don't see How what Rock has done in Nashville is hyping his match against CM Punk at Elimination Chamber.
It was good to see CM Punk get the upper hand on Rock before their match Sunday, I expect Rock to win Sunday but Anything can happen.
Overall, a fine show which featured a lot of pointless segments and matches. But It was a successful hype to the Elimination Chamber Sunday. Best match of the night was Daniel Bryan vs Chris Jericho. I am excited for the Chamber PPV Sunday. The card may not look the best but It's not the worst even though We only have one match Inside the Chamber, I am hoping that Team Cena vs Shield is Inside the chamber but If It's not then It's understandable.
Thank you for reading. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: OfficialCenafan
I want y2j feud with Daniel Bryan and a match at wm 29. What you say about that greatest cenafan?