In this review, I will analysis every segment and match that took place on Raw. So Lets begin....
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Vickie announces Last Man Standing match as the Stipulation for Ryback vs John Cena at Extreme Rules |
The WWE Champion John Cena kicks off the show with surprisingly more Cheers than boos. Being a Cena fan myself, Actually enjoyed that the crowd was pro-Cena even though this segment featuring Cena, Vickie, and Ryback got boring chants. Not a strong segment to kick off the show but I feel like the whole point of It was for It to announce the stipulation for the John Cena vs Ryback match at Extreme Rules. I knew It was going to be a Last Man Standing match because Cena has a foot Injury, and It will be tough for him to win this kind of match. I wonder if the John Cena vs Ryback match will be the main event at Extreme Rules or will It be Lesnar vs Triple H.
Decent match between Damien Sandow and Randy Orton. I would've liked for Damien Sandow to win the match but I think that was to give Randy Orton momentum heading Into Extreme Rules against Big Show. Sandow's song for Orton was hilarious, Hope WWE would push Sandow, Very talented. Big Show's attack after match was a surprise to many, not me though. The build up to this match has been decent as well.
Meaningless match between Fandango and R Truth. Fandango walking out of the match was stupid. I think He should've won, but guess His popularity started on Post-WM show and ended on just that show. This match or segment didn't do much for the Y2J/Fandango feud but It wasn't that bad. I wonder if we will see another Fandango vs Chris Jericho match at Extreme Rules, Most likely yes.
-Backstage Daniel Bryan is being Interviewed, and He reacts to his loss to Ryback from Friday Night Smackdown. He challenges Ryback to a rematch which Ryback declines. Then we see Kane challenging Ryback in which Ryback says to Kane that He isn't the monster which He use to be which is kind of true and says He is the only true monster left in the WWE (Ha!). That is the end of 1st hour and It was really a bad first hour. Nothing Important happend, All comedy.
Dolph Ziggler w/AJ Lee & Langston vs Alberto Del Rio (w/ Ricardo)
Great match between Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler. The match didn't end clean which I think was very well done. The end of segment with Swagger being looked Strong was also great because He hasn't really done much in recent weeks and plus He lost at WrestleMania to Del Rio, so He must be really looked strong heading Into the match at Extreme Rules. It's a Triple Threat Match between Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger at Extreme Rules. Just to point out, All three have won the MITB ladder match before, More Importantly all three were heel.
Backstage segment featuring Kaitlyn, Naomi and Cameron. Kaitlyn gets another text from her secret admirer. Okay, Who is this annonymous guy texting Kaitlyn? It might be Hornswoggle. It's probably The Bella Twins or Big E Langston.
Kofi Kingston & The Usos vs The Shield
So guys, Since Undertaker, Daniel Bryan and Kane couldn't beat The Shield, I'm really convincing you to believe that Kofi and Usos will get the job done. The Shield has been booked pretty great, They continue to dominate. You have to wonder that since Kofi Kingston was in this match, Roman Reigns might be going for his US Title. Ambrose and Rollins for Tag Team Champions at Extreme Rules. Reigns beating Kofi Kingston and winning the US Champion would be good but yet Another meaningless Kofi title reign. but I think that was the whole point to have a Face win It from Antonio Cesaro.
Antonio Cesaro vs Zack Ryder
I was scared through out the whole match that Antonio Cesaro was actually going to lose to Ryder. If you haven't checked, Ryder has defeated Cesaro in recent live events, and Yes Zack Ryder was undefeated at those Live Events, Woo Woo Woo. Ryder didn't really got any reaction from the crowd, Oops. Cesaro getting the win was nice to see, Since He has been losing in recent weeks. Cesaro's promo after the match was also great, I hope that promo actually means He is going to get a push. He has a match against Randy Orton on WWE Main Event this week.
After so much hype through out the whole night, Finally we are going to see the Brock Lesnar footage of going to the WWE HQ. I wouldn't say the hype was all worth the wait but I will say this was the only thing that I found Interested in the whole show, Sadly. I find a taped video that was taped on Friday the best part about the whole show. Heyman as always was genius with his talking. "Oh are you Stephanie? No you're not, You're prettier than her" "This logo is the size of Triple H's ego", Genius I tell you. Brock Lesnar looking at every poster and Boom! You see him looking at The Rock's poster. That was a nice tease for their feud IF The Rock will come at WrestleMania 30. So that whole thing was pretty fun, I bet I wasn't the only one that found It pretty hilarious.
Triple H comes out to respond, His promo was showed his passion for the WWE. He said He went to his 1st office, and This is his 2nd office and I think the 3rd Office is where Stephanie is. Typical promo from HHH, but It wasn't anything bad. He is always great on the mic. I can't say if this feud is getting me Interested but I am Interested to see Lesnar. Lesnar vs HHH part 3 just isn't my thing.
AJ Lee & The Bella Twins vs Kaitlyn & Funkadactlys
Crowd totally dead during this match which wasn't much of a surprise. What I want to know is Who do we cheer for between Bellas and AJ? Do we cheer AJ who walks around with a Heel or Bellas who cheats to win their matches? Nonetheless, Bellas leaves AJ and Kaitlyn spears her for the win for her team.
Wade Barrett vs Sheamus
Mark Henry is on commentary because That's What He does! It's sad to see Barrett (IC Champion) losing every match, It seems like WWE just doesn't care for their US or IC Champions. Henry beats the crap out of Sheamus after the match. Finally Good to see Henry getting the better of Sheamus. I don't really mind this feud, but I'm still going to write about It because THATS WHAT I DO!
- Fandango vs Chris Jericho is announced for a Dance Off Next week on Raw, and We have a Highlight reel on Smackdown. There's something wrong there, It's backwards.
Kane vs Ryback
One of the worst main events of this year, I didn't expected to be anything good anyways but not this bad. Whole point of It was for Ryback to get a momentum heading Into Extreme Rules which He did got after giving Kane a Shellshock. Yay, Ryback is the real monster who hasn't won a PPV since July 2012. Here comes The Shield, and Here comes Daniel Bryan to make the save for Kane while the Real Monster Ryback walks away. John Cena comes out to make the save and Just when we start the brawl, Ryback runs down to attack the Shield but Instead attacks Cena which was very unpredictable, Yawn.
Overall, Raw was pretty boring this week. Meaningless comedy segments, pointless matches and nothing Important happend in the show. I know It's the WrestleMania hang over but come on WWE, You can't get worse than that. If for anything, Just change Raw back to 2 hours. 1st hour was painful, 2nd was okay, 3rd was blah. Raw got a 2.9 rating this week, Lowest since December 17th, 2012.
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter: @OfficialCenafan
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