Dolph Ziggler spoke to Xfinity by Comcast this past week hyping Wrestlemania 29. When asked about all of the part time guys main eventing the show, here is what he had to say.
"It really pisses me off," Ziggler said. "But, it also is good business. Every year a part timer comes back, but there's a reason that they're back. Whether it's the fans want to see them, if they're a draw, if they're a movie star, there's a reason that they're back. They're not back just to do it. There's business to be had. And it pisses me off and it motivates me a hundred percent. It makes me want to be that guy that they're begging to come back. I appreciate it, it's just good business. When people come to Wrestlemania to see the Rock and the Undertaker and they leave that Wrestlemania thinking, "Wow, that Dolph Ziggler stole the show. I can't wait to tune in to 'Raw' to see what he does next." That's how I've lived my entire career."
His Thoughts on being a veteran in the locker room:
"As the roster is changing and we have less guys from the late 90s, unless they're on a light schedule, I'm good enough to be giving back to young up and comers," said Ziggler. "And it's really cool to have someone like an AJ and a Big E. I really appreciate that they want the best, they want to know what's going on, they want to know why I did things in a match. It helps that they were childhood fans. AJ's dream as a child was to be a WWE Superstar. I was five-years-old and I wanted to be a Superstar. We have that bond. It makes it that much more rewarding. And we're just getting started. Once Wrestlemania comes and goes we'll have more time to settle in and I think you'll see a nice trio of great talent that could be the future of the business."
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Will CM Punk end Undertaker's streak at WM?
WrestleMania is just less than 2 weeks to go and just like every year, Question is Will Undertaker stay undefeated? This match was predicted by a lot of fans last year because dirt sheet reported It. Many were hoping for Streak vs Streak (Punk as champ) vs Taker's streak but that didn't happen as The Rock won the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble pay-per-view thus far setting up Rock vs Cena II.
The Undertaker returned on the Old School Episode of Raw and He has been on Raw each week ever since then to build his WrestleMania match against CM Punk. Many rumors have said that Taker wants the streak to end and Punk is the right guy to do It. I personally think that Streak should live. It's a huge draw for WM each year but If Taker is planning to retire then I'm not sure.
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CM Punk looks on at his WrestleMania opponent Undertaker. |
I'm one of those people that believes Taker should retire undefeated but when you look at It in a business point of view; You want the streak to end. If CM Punk ends the streak then It will make him a huge star but again I think It would've been better if Punk was the WWE Champion and defeated Taker at WM which would have made his reign more historic than It was but now It's a different story. Every year at WrestleMania, Taker's match is the match that gets everyone on the edge of their seat despite a lot of people knowing that Taker can't lose.
Ending the streak is something WWE has always been thinking about but aren't never brave enough to pull it off. If CM Punk was still WWE Champ then by WM His reign would have been 500+ days. Imagine a 500 days reign vs 20 streak would've been something big. I'm not saying this match is predictable but If Punk was still champ It would have made this match 5x more better. Of course many Punk fans believe He should end the streak but I personally think It shouldn't end at all unless Taker really wants It to end.
Will The Undertakers streak ends this year? Is CM Punk worthy of ending this streak? You will see on April 7th at WrestleMania. Don't forget to watch It!
Thanks for reading, follow me on twitter: @OfficialCenafan
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Monday Night Raw March 25, 2013 - Review
This week's Raw in my opinion was awesome. It was the second last Raw before WrestleMania and WWE sold the event pretty well. More than 18,000 fans were in attendance in Philadelphia. I did not wrote a review article last week because I'm going to be honest, I did not watch the whole show because It seemed boring. So Let's start....
CM Punk kicked off the show with Paul Heyman. Pretty strong promo by Punk, and He hyped his match with Taker. Undertaker's little brawl with CM Punk was really surprising since I honestly didn't expect Taker to get physical until like last Raw or not at all, so that was a little treat to watch. However, Paul Heyman ran faster than Usain bolt keeping the urn for CM Punk. It was a great start to Monday Night Raw.
Dolph Ziggler vs Chris Jericho was a great match. I think majority of fans (Including myself) were hoping to see this match at WrestleMania 29 because It would've been awesome. I do have to say, Jericho and Ziggler always puts on awesome matches. SummerSlam '12, the night after SS, etc. I was a bit surprised to see Chris Jericho winning since Dolph Ziggler was on a winning streak from 3-4 matches (RIP Ziggler's streak 2013-2013) but nevertheless match was great. Fandango's attack after the match was expected, because we all knew Fandango vs Chris Jericho would be happening at WrestleMania 29 which by the way was confirmed later on the show.
Mark Henry vs Usos was basically a squash match. Obviously always knew Henry was going to win, since He has a match vs Ryback at WM29 and He needs to be looked strong going Into his match. This is What I do!
Antonio Cesaro vs Alberto Del Rio (Champion vs Champion) was also a nice match. Once again Jack Swagger attacked Ricardo Rodriguez to make this feud as Jerry/Cole would say "personal". I thought this match was going to be just another match Where Cesaro jobs but I was quite surprised that He won. Yes I know He won by count-out but He still won, He defeated The World Heavyweight Champion. So that was great to see.
Fun match up between Team Hell No and Prime Time Players. It's always good to see PTP on matches but I wish they'd win more matches than jobbing all the time. Bryan and Kane picked up the victory, It seemed like both are on the same page leading up to their match for Tag Team Champions against Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston.
Triple H promo was okay. Nothing new, Just the same thing since He returned. Pretty boring promo, Should've at least had Heyman to Interfere and say like Brock Lesnar will be there next week or anything. I don't know what was the reason Triple H low blow Barrett, It wasn't required.
Wade Barrett vs The Miz was a Solid match. I guess Triple H low blow to Barrett might be the reason as to why He lost to Miz. Looks like we're getting Miz vs Barrett for IC Champion at WrestleMania 29. I, for one have no Interest in this match, I would've much rather saw Jericho vs Barrett but Whatever. Let's hope this match is a Ladder match, I would love to see It.
The Shield vs Gabriel, Ryder, and Khali was a pointless match. However, they wanted to have Shield wrestle on Raw just 2 weeks before Mania so that made sense. But the fact that Shield beat Ryback, Cena and Sheamus and then WWE want us to believe Gabriel, Ryder and Khali can actually beat them, yeah that makes sense. Nonetheless, It was good to see Shield competing. The best part was the post match triple power bomb on Great Khali.
Rhodes Scholars vs Tensai and Clay was a fine match. This is one of those times why I wish Raw was 2 hours. Kinda surprised that Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow won but I guess their win means we'll see Rhodes Scholars w/ Bellas vs Tensai and Brodus w/Funkadactlys.
Ryback vs 3MB - Another unpredictable match of the night. I was really surprised that 3MB lost to Ryback, Yeah I really was. Best part about that whole match was after the match where Ryback hit 2 Jobbers with a Shell Shock. Very Impressive!
AJ Lee vs Kaitlyn (Non Title) was a nice match. You know something? This was the main event of Raw, technically. Well Let's just say Last match of the night is the main event and this Divas match was the main event. I wasn't expecting this match to happen tonight but AJ's win should set up a rematch between the two at WM29 and I'm expecting AJ Lee to beat Kaitlyn and win her 1st Divas Champion in her hometown.
John Cena and The Rock's Q&A with WWE Hall Of Famers was a great segment. Just 3 weeks before, we saw a wonderful promo by Rock-Cena because both were serious and kept their comedy away. Last night was nothing different, both were awesome on the mic. It started out boring even the crowd was dead half of that segment which I don't blame them for but It picked back up later on. The legends being part of that segment was very well done by WWE. Talking about Cena's promo, question remains Will He turn heel? Every year people say that but Can this be the year? I highly doubt It but we'll all see at 'Mania. I wasn't expecting a Rock bottom to Cena since I thought It was gonna be a mega brawl where the legends try to break them apart but was wrong. I don't know why Rock got the upper hand tonight but I'm thinking Cena will get the upper hand next week.
Overall, a Great show that build the WrestleMania matches. I was pleased with the show that I wasn't with Last week's show. I enjoyed the opening segment and ending segment, Also Chris Jericho vs Dolph Ziggler and few other matches. This was the second last episode of Raw before WM29 and It was just that, a Road to WM kind of Raw. I hope next weeks Go-home show is just as good because All will be in the house - Brock Lesnar, Undertaker, The Rock, Triple H, etc.
Follow me on Twitter: @OfficialCenafan.
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Monday, March 25, 2013
WWE Raw 3/25/13 - RESULTS
1st match of the night: Chris Jericho def. Dolph Ziggler.
Mark Henry beat Usos.
Antonio Cesaro beat Alberto Del Rio by count-out.
Team Hell No beat Prime Time Players.
The Miz def. Wade Barrett. (Non title)
The Shield def. Khali, Ryder, Gabriel.
Team Rhodes Scholars def. Tensai and Clay.
Ryback beat 3MB.
AJ Lee beat Kaitlyn by count out.
Friday, March 22, 2013
WWE Smackdown Results - 3/22/13
Mark Henry def. Zack Ryder
Dolph Ziggler def. Kofi Kingston.
Jack Swagger def. Chris Jericho
Rhodes Scholars vs Tensai and Brodus - No Contest.
The Miz def. Antonio Cesaro
Randy Orton, Big Show and Sheamus def. 3MB.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Thoughts about The Rock as WWE Champion
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The Rock won the WWE Champion at this years Royal Rumble PPV and ended CM Punk's Impressive reign of 434 days. Few months back, The Rock announced on the 1000th Episode of Raw, that He will be challenging the WWE Champion at Royal Rumble. He defeated CM Punk and became the WWE Champion as he promised and It's been nearly 2 months since He has won.
Ever Since The Rock returned back in January, He was on Raw every week before the Royal Rumble, He appeared on the first Raw of 2013, also the week after on Raw's 20th Anniversary show, and the final before Royal Rumble, then He also appeared the weeks before Elimination Chamber, He only missed one before Chamber I believe. But then just month to go before WrestleMania and He already missed 3 Raws (Feb 25th, March 11th, March 18th). unlike others, I'm not against the Idea of The Rock as WWE Champion because I know why He is champion, It's because He draws ratings for WWE, PPV Buyrate, etc.
However, WrestleMania 29 main event is John Cena vs The Rock and The build up to their match has sucked. The Rock did appeared on March 4th Old School Edition of Monday Night Raw where He cut a promo with Cena and It was a pretty good promo, but that's about It. The Rock has missed last 2 Episode of Raw, Why? That's just not good because If your main event of WM29 is John Cena vs The Rock and You don't have a build up to their match just less than a month till WrestleMania is pretty bad. The Rock isn't the worst WWE Champion in the history but his reign has sucked because He has barely appeared on Raw since winning It.
The Rock is an actor, and not a wrestler anymore - Something that we all know. He is a part time WWE wrestler, and I understand that they made The Rock WWE Champion but they should've thought twice about It. The Rock's reign has been one of the worst ever and a movie star has ended CM Punk's awesome reign. You know, they could've did Rock vs Cena II without the title, and did Undertaker vs CM Punk for the WWE Championship which would've been massive match and everyone would've been excited.
Also, The Rock appeared on each episode of Monday Night Raw heading Into WrestleMania 28 last year and this year He has barely did that. Since Rock's return, He has appeared on Smackdown as well couple of times which is pretty awesome but He has missed 2 Raws just a month before WrestleMania which He shouldn't. The Rock has had a bad reign and I am hoping John Cena beats him for the WWE Champion at WrestleMania 29 and end his 70 days title reign.
Thanks for reading, Make sure you follow me on twitter: @OfficialCenafan.
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Schedule for WWE Part Time Stars
The following dates are the latest advertised appearances for Undertaker, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, The Rock and Chris Jericho on the Road to Wrestlemania and the week after the event:
March 25 Raw (Philadelphia, Pa.) - The Rock and Chris Jericho
March 26 Smackdown (Hershey, Pa.) - The Rock and Chris Jericho.
April 1 Raw (Washington, D.C.) - Undertaker, The Rock, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, and Chris Jericho.
(The TV taping time has been pushed up to 6:30 p.m. EST to tape portions of the final Smackdown before Wrestlemania)
April 8 Raw (E. Rutherford, N.J.) - The Rock and Chris Jericho
April 9 SD (Boston, Mass) - Triple H, Chris Jericho (John Cena is also scheduled)
March 26 Smackdown (Hershey, Pa.) - The Rock and Chris Jericho.
April 1 Raw (Washington, D.C.) - Undertaker, The Rock, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, and Chris Jericho.
(The TV taping time has been pushed up to 6:30 p.m. EST to tape portions of the final Smackdown before Wrestlemania)
April 8 Raw (E. Rutherford, N.J.) - The Rock and Chris Jericho
April 9 SD (Boston, Mass) - Triple H, Chris Jericho (John Cena is also scheduled)
*Chris Jericho has not been added to a Wrestlemania match yet, but it's expected that he will be officially added to the card soon.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Matches Confirmed for WrestleMania 29
The Rock vs John Cena for WWE Championship.
Jack Swagger vs Alberto Del Rio for World Heavyweight Championship.
Undertaker vs CM Punk.
Ryback vs Mark Henry
Team Hell No vs Big E Langston and Dolph Ziggler for Tag Team Champions.
Triple H vs Brock Lesnar. (No Holds Barred, If Lesnar wins Triple H must retire)
Fandango vs Chris Jericho.
Randy Orton, Sheamus, Show vs The Shield
The Miz vs Wade Barrett for IC Champion
(Pre-Show match)
Lord Tensai and Brodus Clay & The Funkadactylis vs Team Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins
Friday, March 15, 2013
Why WWE Raw should be 2 hours again.
WWE Raw moved to 3 hours on the 1000th episode of Monday Night Raw (July 23rd, 2012), I am one of the people that were happy about It at first. The next episode after Raw1000 was also good and few weeks later ones were also good but Just few months later It started to drag for some people Including me. Everyone thought that Raw moving to 3 hours would mean more time for Divas, mid carders, tag team division. But that hasn't really happend, except for Tag Team Division which has been better. Other than that, It hasn't really done much.
When Raw was 2 hours, We had less pointless segments and less pointless matches. Sure, people were like I wish Raw was longer than that but that was because WWE put on better shows with 2 hours. Yes, Some Raws has sucked even with 2 hours but If you'd ask me, 3 hours are worse. How can anybody sit and watch 3 hours straight? It just drags for me and most people because They have like one good segment or a match per each hour.
Go check WWE Raw ratings and you will see that Raw ratings starts off good, 2nd hour is usually strong but the 3rd hour has always sucked for WWE. Which means most people watch from 8 to 10 and then just go away in the 3rd hour, not because there is nothing Interesting in 3rd hour but because people get tired watching It for 180 minutes straight. You know what 3 hours meant for WWE fans? More wrestling, more time for mid carders, but You know what It meant for WWE? More time to promote the WWE App, show tout, etc.
WWE should go back to 2 hours soon enough because 3 hours of Raw is painful to watch 80% of the time. When It was 2 hours, they had better matches and Less pointless segments. You think people should stop watching the 1st hour of Raw then? That's not going to help because WWE usually always have that one segment in the 1st hour of Raw that is Interesting, ex: Brock Lesnar-HHH's brawl. Also there are so many recaps and commercials ever since Raw has been 3 hours, I'd much rather watch 2 hours of Raw with less promotion, less stupid segments, less pointless matches.
As always, thanks for reading. Follow me on Twitter: @OfficialCenafan.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Monday Night Raw March 11, 2013 - Review
This week's Raw was fine, I enjoyed some parts but I also didn't like some but as always, I'll go through the matches and segments and give my thoughts about It....
Raw kicked off with The Undertaker paying Tribute to Paul Bearer, which was very classy move by WWE. CM Punk Interrupts and tells Undertaker that He will end his streak at WrestleMania 29. I can honestly tell you, On Tuesday when I heard about Bearers death this angle came up to my mind. I always knew WWE were going to do It but just wasn't sure. CM Punk is a great heel and He brought a lot of heat and that's what WWE wants but in his match, You all seen those CM Punk chants, didn't ya? Well I had really not big of a problem with this segment because I heard that Paul Bearer's 2 son gave permission to the WWE for doing this and because they knew It's all entertainment. Great opening segment.
Seth Rollins vs Big Show - Always knew this wasn't really gonna end well but Didn't knew It won't even be a match. The Shield attacked Big Show just like they did last week and gave him a triple powerbomb. I'm not sure where WWE are going with this, If we are Indeed getting Randy Orton, Sheamus, Big Show vs Shield at WM then I wonder why Orton, Sheamus didn't make the save.
Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler - Excellent match, Probably the match of the night. I was surprised that Dolph Ziggler won, Felt like It was his first victory this year (Somebody should check If this is Indeed true, LOL). Big E attacked Daniel Bryan after the match, Not sure what's going on here either Are we getting Team Hell No vs BigE/Ziggler at Mania for the Title, Perhaps?
Lord Tensai vs Fandango - I think I said that Ziggler vs Bryan was the match of the night, Well No, This was match of the night. Same old Fandango crap of him saying He will not compete until they pronounce his name right and I read few reports that WWE will do this angle and Fandango will Indeed not debut. Wow.
The New Age Out Laws vs The Rhodes Scholars - They barely started this match, The whole point of this was for Brock Lesnar to come out and destroy Triple H's buddies Road Dogg and Billy Gunn which was a smart move from WWE. Also they can do this NAO vs Rhodes Scholars at WrestleMania which will be great. Heyman cut a brilliant promo and said Brock accepted HHH's challenge but they get to choose the stipulation. I was thinking a Hell In A Cell match since Triple H lost to Taker in this match last year but I wouldn't mind a MMA rules match which I heard WWE creative are thinking about.
Kofi Kingston vs Mark Henry - Almost a squash match just for Henry to beat Kofi who WWE has treated like a jobber lately for no reason, followed by another squash match between Ryback and Heath Slater. I liked the exchange between the two in that segment where Henry did his finisher and Ryback did his, I am fine with them doing Mark Henry vs Ryback at WrestleMania. They announced It for this friday, That's dumb because It should be saved for Wrestlemania but what does the WWE Creative knows.
Alberto Del Rio vs Antonio Cesaro - Decent match between the World Heavyweight Champion and the United States Champion, It was a fresh match. Cesaro taped out to the cross armbreaker.
The John Cena vs The Rock video package was very well done. It showed Cena's bad year like losing to Johnny Ace at Over The Limit, to CM Punk at Raw1000 and becoming the 1st man to cash in MITB and fail, Ziggler at TLC. Also they showed Cena's divorce as well which I don't know why but They should've asked Cena before hand because then that was very disrespectful cause that was his personal business. It was a great video package, especially because someone wasn't there... I am excited for this match at WM but trust me A video package every week ain't getting me excited.
Team Rhodes Scholars vs Randy Orton and Sheamus - Earlier in the night, The Bellas returned well backstage segment and that's when Vickie Guerrero booked a match between them because Rhodes Scholars didn't finish their match with TNAO. Another decent match with Randy Orton and Sheamus winning with their finishers. CelticViper.
The Highlight Reel segment was very funny. I found It entertaining but I don't know why Michael Cole said It's the worst segment in the history of Raw, Worst WrestleMania match in history was You vs Jerry Lawler. It was Miz and Barrett talking about their movies then Y2J to tell Wade Barrett that He is the reason He is here today which was awesome cause Barrett was Y2J's rookie. Then Brad Maddox comes out and books a match between Miz and Jericho, winner faces Wade Barrett for the IC Championship next week.
The Miz vs Chris Jericho - Nice match between The Awesome One and Chris Jericho. I don't know How The Miz is all of a sudden in everything, First messed with Brock and then what happend to his rivalry with Antonio Cesaro and now with IC Champ Wade Barrett. The match didn't end, thanks to Barrett but Barrett received a beating from the two, Which means we'll be getting The Miz vs Chris Jericho vs Wade Barrett for the IC Champion next week on Raw. I wish The Miz wasn't part of all this and we get Barrett vs Y2J at WrestleMania. However, I'm thinking next week's match might also end up in a No winner or something which leads to a rematch at WM29.
Jack Swagger vs Sin Cara - Before the match, that promo by Zeb Colter was very weak. I've been a fan of his mic but It's going to get boring If they say the same crap every week Hence If you didn't notice the boring chants during the segment. Filler match with Swagger winning and then comes Del Rio for the save and we see well a small fight between them which was nice. Way better than WWE Championship match build, Only if they could've had a brawl via satellite..
WWE App is being pushed a lot through out the show, They showed Kane attacking Punk on that as well. Don't be surprised, It is going to continue every single week until Everyone that has a damn phone Install It.
Kane vs CM Punk (NO DQ) - Final match of the night was entertaining match. Good match that finished with Taker's gong which distracted Punk and Kane gets the pinfall victory. I was one of the few that were like If Punk can't beat Kane 4 weeks before WM then How does WWE want us to believe He'll beat Taker? but Punk was distracted and plus He got the upper hand on Kane while Taker was running down to the ring (fastest ever btw) but Punk escaped with the urn by then which pissed Taker off and This storyline is going great as far as I'm concerned. WWE have done very well with making It seem personal, which is the smart move. Not sure where this urn angle is going but I'm expecting Kane to probably stay with Taker till WM or not cause Kane is one half of the tag team champions.
Overall, Raw was good, nothing great IMO. I liked last week's episode better but again that was Old School Raw so of course. The Paul Bearer's tribute videos through out the night were amazing and If you were pissed about the opening segment, I hope those tribute videos by WWE were enough to make you fine with It. No John Cena on Raw this week which I was pissed about but I think they didn't have him because The Rock wasn't there but still Cena could've had a match but whatever. The main attention right now is Taker vs CM Punk so I wonder what the main event of WM29 will be.
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @OfficialCenafan.
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Monday Night Raw March 4, 2013: Review (Old School)
Last night's Raw was a Old School Edition of Raw, which I thought was a great show. They had one Old School Raw at 2010 as well, That one wasn't bad either but I think last night's was much better. I attended last night's Raw in Buffalo, NY and I thought It was a fine show. Heard a week ago that It would be a throwaway show wasn't true, I didn't think It was a throwaway show. So I will as always discuss each segment/match and give my opinion about It. So Let's start...
The Show kicked off with The Undertaker making his return and He got a great reaction from the crowd. Every one in the arena were shocked because No body expected Undertaker to kick off Raw, event though many believed He will return.
CM Punk/Sheamus/RandyOrton/BigShow
CM Punk entered the arena along with Paul Heyman. He talked about How he deserves to be in the main event of WrestleMania and blamed fans for why He isn't in the main event which Punk got a good heat for from the crowd. He said He will beat Undertaker at WM and end his streak. Then comes Randy Orton, who says He has already faced CM Punk at WM and has beat him before and also faced Undertaker and came the "closest" to end his streak. Out comes The Big Show saying He should face Undertaker at WrestleMania (Oh god), and talked about How he didn't had the KO punch back then. Celtic Warrior Sheamus comes out and says All four has faced Taker before but Sheamus has never faced him. Vickie Guerrero came out who got a lot of heat from the crowd as always who annoyed a Fatal 4 Way match between the four and winner faces Undertaker at WrestleMania. I thought It's fine but I mean just winning a fatal 4 way match to face Taker seemed pretty dumb and many people in the crowd expected CM Punk to win.
Antonio Cesaro vs Ryback - Nice match between the two. It wasn't a squash match because It was a bit longer than a usual Ryback match. Cesaro has always been losing in non-title bouts, I think thats a problem. He just beat Miz few days ago on Smackdown for the United States Champion.
Mark Henry vs Zack Ryder - Squash match, Always knew Zack Ryder was going to win, Oh wait I mean Mark Henry. If That staredown between Henry and Ryback meant we will get a match between the two at WrestleMania then I'm completely fine with It. Way better than Henry/Khali and Ryback/Shield.
The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler - Solid match between The Show off and The Awesome one. Ric Flair got a great reaction from the crowd. Lot's of "WOOO". The crowd was into the match, and Flair was hyping It ringside. The Miz countered the Figure Four Lock and Dolph Ziggler tapped out. It was about a 10 minutes match, enjoyed It.
Point/Counterpoint: The Rock vs John Cena
The arena went crazy as soon as The Rock's music hit, while He made his way to the ring with the new WWE Championship. Wonderful ovation for The Rock, I don't really like the new belt that much but If I see It every week, I'll definitely get used to It. The Rock talked about How It was so cold in Buffalo and How He didn't care about It, crowd were entertained. And then John Cena's music hit and as always He got a mix crowd reaction, since some were not pleased that He Interrupted The Rock. Cena talked about How he felt worthless when he lost to Rock at Mania and How he won't let that happen again and gave Rock a 34 days warning. John Cena mentioned a quote from Mike Tyson, and said Rock's time is up and his time is now. The Rock ended the promo with saying "At WrestleMania I will beat you.... again... and You will smell What The Rock is cooking" and they had a staredown. I liked the promo a lot, Passion words from Cena and Rock. Build up has started and I'm excited for Rock-Cena II WM.
Jack Swagger vs HackSaw Duggan - Nice reaction for The legends. Swagger layed out all the legends and then walks off. No point of this, they had to make Swagger look strong but that was just pointless, IMO. A fight between Del Rio and Swagger takes place backstage, didn't even last a minute though.
Team Hell No vs Prime Time Players - It was awesome to see The Million Dollar Man ringside for this match, I thought He came to support PTP because they say "Million of Dollars". Kane and Daniel Bryan won and after the match Ted Dibiase stuffed a $100 bill in Darren Young's mouth and then Daniel Bryan stole It which got every one in the crowd laughing. Great match and Loved How they had Million Dollar Man ringside for It.
Brodus Clay, Lord Tensai, HonkeyTonk man vs 3MB - I wasn't even paying attention to this segment to be honest. Didn't even cared for It, but That whole segment's purpose was for HonkeyTonk man to hit Heath Slater with a guitar.
Fandango vs Kofi Kingston
Finally Fandango makes his debut to Monday Night Raw, ALMOST. Every one in the crowd were annoyed when He said Justin Roberts couldn't get his name right and He won't make his debut until then. He said the samething on Smackdown so now we can confirm that He is a troll.
Triple H promo - Great promo by HHH. Say anything you want but You can't deny that He can cut one hell of a promo. Triple H talked about How He said He won't compete after SummerSlam and He wanted a reason to come back and last week was a good reason to come out. He called out Brock Lesnar and said 5 weeks till WrestleMania and He is challenging him for a match. Almost everyone in the crowd were waiting for Lesnar or Heyman to show up but I always knew Lesnar is not here and expected Heyman to come out but that didn't happen either. We'll probably hear Brock's answer next week and It will probably be a Yes. Yawn.
Wade Barrett vs Alberto Del Rio - Another short match, with Del Rio winning. Just like Antonio Cesaro, Barrett is also a champion that always loses his non-title bouts even though I've barely seen him defend his title. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter came out and were watching the match from the ramp, and many in the crowd turned their attention to them Instead of the match but they never came. Ziggler vs Del Rio on Smackdown this week.
The New Age Outlaws vs Primo and Epico
It was so good to see Billy Gun and Road Dogg. They did their usual promo and that got every one very excited. Some kids didn't knew about them in the crowd but mostly every one were cheering them on. These two are better than most of the tag teams in WWE today. The Buffalo crowd chanted "You still got It" to Road Dogg. Billy Gun did the Fameasser to Primo to get the win. The match was less than 5 minutes but still every one loved seeing The New Age Outlaws. If you are not down with that, we got two words for you.
Fatal Four-Way match - Sheamus vs Randy Orton vs Big Show vs CM Punk - CM Punk came out first and cut a promo about How he will face Undertaker at WrestleMania, I think that was during the commercial break so most of you didn't see It. It was a fun match and I knew CM Punk will win after Taker kicked off Raw. They hyped this match so much through out the night that I always knew Taker would show up and when He showed up, once again got a good ovation from the crowd. The show ended with with a staredown between Taker and CM Punk.
After Raw: Big Show was still laying down and The Shield appeared and they destroyed The Big Show and did their usual move on him as well. They were standing tall as Cena, Ryback, Sheamus made their way to the ring and we had a match between them. Decent match with Shield dominating Cena through out the match and then Ryback dominated Shield. Seth Rollins hit Ryback with a hair thus causing a DQ and then they all did their move on them to send the crowd home happy. WWE will be returning to Buffalo later this year for Over The Limit PPV.
Overall, This was my first time ever attending Monday Night Raw. Been to a Smackdown tapings, PPV, etc but never Raw so It was a great experience. It was a Old School Raw and It was great to see The Undertaker's return and Cena-Rock promo. I enjoyed the show and thought It was a great build up to WrestleMania. 2 matches that might happen at WrestleMania aside from the confirmed ones might be BigShow/Orton/Sheamus vs Shield and Ryback vs Mark Henry.
Thank you for reading, Follow me on twitter: OfficialCenafan.
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The Show kicked off with The Undertaker making his return and He got a great reaction from the crowd. Every one in the arena were shocked because No body expected Undertaker to kick off Raw, event though many believed He will return.
CM Punk/Sheamus/RandyOrton/BigShow
CM Punk entered the arena along with Paul Heyman. He talked about How he deserves to be in the main event of WrestleMania and blamed fans for why He isn't in the main event which Punk got a good heat for from the crowd. He said He will beat Undertaker at WM and end his streak. Then comes Randy Orton, who says He has already faced CM Punk at WM and has beat him before and also faced Undertaker and came the "closest" to end his streak. Out comes The Big Show saying He should face Undertaker at WrestleMania (Oh god), and talked about How he didn't had the KO punch back then. Celtic Warrior Sheamus comes out and says All four has faced Taker before but Sheamus has never faced him. Vickie Guerrero came out who got a lot of heat from the crowd as always who annoyed a Fatal 4 Way match between the four and winner faces Undertaker at WrestleMania. I thought It's fine but I mean just winning a fatal 4 way match to face Taker seemed pretty dumb and many people in the crowd expected CM Punk to win.
Antonio Cesaro vs Ryback - Nice match between the two. It wasn't a squash match because It was a bit longer than a usual Ryback match. Cesaro has always been losing in non-title bouts, I think thats a problem. He just beat Miz few days ago on Smackdown for the United States Champion.
Mark Henry vs Zack Ryder - Squash match, Always knew Zack Ryder was going to win, Oh wait I mean Mark Henry. If That staredown between Henry and Ryback meant we will get a match between the two at WrestleMania then I'm completely fine with It. Way better than Henry/Khali and Ryback/Shield.
The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler - Solid match between The Show off and The Awesome one. Ric Flair got a great reaction from the crowd. Lot's of "WOOO". The crowd was into the match, and Flair was hyping It ringside. The Miz countered the Figure Four Lock and Dolph Ziggler tapped out. It was about a 10 minutes match, enjoyed It.
Point/Counterpoint: The Rock vs John Cena
Jack Swagger vs HackSaw Duggan - Nice reaction for The legends. Swagger layed out all the legends and then walks off. No point of this, they had to make Swagger look strong but that was just pointless, IMO. A fight between Del Rio and Swagger takes place backstage, didn't even last a minute though.
Team Hell No vs Prime Time Players - It was awesome to see The Million Dollar Man ringside for this match, I thought He came to support PTP because they say "Million of Dollars". Kane and Daniel Bryan won and after the match Ted Dibiase stuffed a $100 bill in Darren Young's mouth and then Daniel Bryan stole It which got every one in the crowd laughing. Great match and Loved How they had Million Dollar Man ringside for It.
Brodus Clay, Lord Tensai, HonkeyTonk man vs 3MB - I wasn't even paying attention to this segment to be honest. Didn't even cared for It, but That whole segment's purpose was for HonkeyTonk man to hit Heath Slater with a guitar.
Fandango vs Kofi Kingston
Finally Fandango makes his debut to Monday Night Raw, ALMOST. Every one in the crowd were annoyed when He said Justin Roberts couldn't get his name right and He won't make his debut until then. He said the samething on Smackdown so now we can confirm that He is a troll.
Triple H promo - Great promo by HHH. Say anything you want but You can't deny that He can cut one hell of a promo. Triple H talked about How He said He won't compete after SummerSlam and He wanted a reason to come back and last week was a good reason to come out. He called out Brock Lesnar and said 5 weeks till WrestleMania and He is challenging him for a match. Almost everyone in the crowd were waiting for Lesnar or Heyman to show up but I always knew Lesnar is not here and expected Heyman to come out but that didn't happen either. We'll probably hear Brock's answer next week and It will probably be a Yes. Yawn.
Wade Barrett vs Alberto Del Rio - Another short match, with Del Rio winning. Just like Antonio Cesaro, Barrett is also a champion that always loses his non-title bouts even though I've barely seen him defend his title. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter came out and were watching the match from the ramp, and many in the crowd turned their attention to them Instead of the match but they never came. Ziggler vs Del Rio on Smackdown this week.
The New Age Outlaws vs Primo and Epico
It was so good to see Billy Gun and Road Dogg. They did their usual promo and that got every one very excited. Some kids didn't knew about them in the crowd but mostly every one were cheering them on. These two are better than most of the tag teams in WWE today. The Buffalo crowd chanted "You still got It" to Road Dogg. Billy Gun did the Fameasser to Primo to get the win. The match was less than 5 minutes but still every one loved seeing The New Age Outlaws. If you are not down with that, we got two words for you.
Fatal Four-Way match - Sheamus vs Randy Orton vs Big Show vs CM Punk - CM Punk came out first and cut a promo about How he will face Undertaker at WrestleMania, I think that was during the commercial break so most of you didn't see It. It was a fun match and I knew CM Punk will win after Taker kicked off Raw. They hyped this match so much through out the night that I always knew Taker would show up and when He showed up, once again got a good ovation from the crowd. The show ended with with a staredown between Taker and CM Punk.
After Raw: Big Show was still laying down and The Shield appeared and they destroyed The Big Show and did their usual move on him as well. They were standing tall as Cena, Ryback, Sheamus made their way to the ring and we had a match between them. Decent match with Shield dominating Cena through out the match and then Ryback dominated Shield. Seth Rollins hit Ryback with a hair thus causing a DQ and then they all did their move on them to send the crowd home happy. WWE will be returning to Buffalo later this year for Over The Limit PPV.
Overall, This was my first time ever attending Monday Night Raw. Been to a Smackdown tapings, PPV, etc but never Raw so It was a great experience. It was a Old School Raw and It was great to see The Undertaker's return and Cena-Rock promo. I enjoyed the show and thought It was a great build up to WrestleMania. 2 matches that might happen at WrestleMania aside from the confirmed ones might be BigShow/Orton/Sheamus vs Shield and Ryback vs Mark Henry.
Thank you for reading, Follow me on twitter: OfficialCenafan.
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