Raw kicked off with The official contract signing for the WWE Champion match at SummerSlam between Daniel Bryan and John Cena. Cena put Bryan over big time by saying How size doesn't matter and How Bryan deserves this shot. This was a fun opening segment to kick off the show, I wanted Bryan to talk more than He did, but they still have about a month left to build his match with Cena. Maddox was being a heel here by saying How Bryan doesn't deserve It and all, which isn't surprising since It's a babyface vs babyface feud. Brad Maddox announced Daniel Bryan will have multiple matches later in the night to prove He is worthy of facing Cena for the title at SummerSlam.
Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio
We are back to 2012 guys. This is a rematch from Money In The Bank 2012, SummerSlam 2012 and Night of Champions 2012. Yeah, I'm sorry for reminding you of that boring feud last year. But this wasn't that bad, It was a good match. Sheamus did a great job in selling his Injury through out the entire match. Del Rio winning clean was very surprising, but He lost to Orton on Smackdown so He needed this win. Good match but I hope we don't see another World title feud.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
Backstage, Teddy Long and Booker T were arguing. It seems like the rumored feud between the two will start now.
Christian vs Titus O'Neil
Decent match this, I think Titus is great. He was Impressive here against Christian and we might see him in singles competition soon. Christian won the match which wasn't much of a surprise but I hope he is getting a shot at the IC Champion or United States Champion soon.
Winner: Christian
Great promo by Mark Henry. The crowd pop'd huge for him, and this promo was brilliant booking in his home state of Texas. I don't watch Smackdown much often but I think we saw this same thing on Smackdown, with Usos making the save for Henry. Nonetheless, I think Usos/Henry vs Shield could be great at SummerSlam.
Dolph Ziggler vs Darren Young
This match was similar to Titus' match earlier, Darren Young was looked good for few minutes and then lost. Ziggler won the match by hitting the Zig-Zag, The match was around 3-4 minutes. Post-match, Big E Langston with AJ again tried to attack Dolph Ziggler but Ziggler escaped. Babyface shouldn't be running away, no? Nonetheless, Ziggler vs Big E Langston will happen at SummerSlam.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
Another boring Miz TV segment, This time with The "Total Divas" cast. This whole segment was pointless, It was just to plug the show that is airing Sunday. Not that I hate the show or something but This was basically something you could've done via a commercial Instead of this.
Cody Rhodes vs Fandango
Cody Rhodes is now officially a babyface. It was a decent match, Crowd weren't behind Rhodes that much which isn't good, Hopefully it gets better in the next few weeks. Damien Sandow on commentary was awesome, He was hilarious. I am excited for Cody Rhodes vs Damien Sandow with the MITB on-the-line at SummerSlam. As for Fandango, Few months ago It seemed like He will be a star but now He is just another guy on the roster.
Winner: Cody Rhodes
Another Excellent segment featuring CM Punk and Paul Heyman. The best part about this Lesnar vs Punk feud is The Heyman vs Punk mic work, It's absolutely amazing. CM Punk's promo was fantastic, He came as a great confident babyface. I wasn't surprised that Lesnar wasn't there even though Heyman was acting as If he was there next to him. Lesnar not being there wasn't a big deal because You still have 3-4 more weeks to have Lesnar and Punk get physical again but meanwhile, Heyman and Punk are doing the best work on the microphone. This feud so far has been awesome, Looking forward to more in the next few weeks. CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar is made official for SummerSlam next month. "The Beast vs The Beast"
CM Punk challenges Brock Lesnar to a Match at SummerSlam |
Rob Van Dam vs Wade Barrett
This was basically a squash match. Barrett was dominating RVD for the whole match while the crowd were chanting huge for RVD. RVD won with his Impressive Five Star Frog Splash. It's good to see RVD back but Just hope they find a feud for him for SummerSlam.
Winner: RVD
Daniel Bryan vs Jack Swagger
This match ended very quickly but still It was a physical bout. Swagger didn't really have much of a shot to beat him, Seeing him tap out wasn't much of a surprise anyways. He was feuding for the World Heavyweight Champion just few months ago.
Winner: Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan vs Antonio Cesaro
This was an Excellent match. I wasn't surprised at all about How great this match was, Simply amazing. Even the crowd was behind It, and to tell you Antonio Cesaro is not even being pushed, He wasn't even on the WrestleMania card. This match should prove that Cesaro is one of the best workers in the WWE, They need to push him. The finish was awesome too, I really loved everything about this match. Loved that It was given 20 minutes
and saying that Bryan and Cesaro delivered would be an understatement.
Winner: Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan vs Ryback
I was surprised that It was Ryback Instead of Big Show. Since they promoted Big Show was going to return. This was a fine match, It was hard for crowd to get Into It after an amazing match between Bryan and Cesaro. I thought they'll have Bryan beat Ryback as well, but ended up in a DQ was surprising. John Cena vs Ryback in a Tables Match and Daniel Bryan vs Kane is announced for Raw next week.
Winner: Daniel Bryan
Overall, Raw was good tonight. The Contract Signing to kick off the show was a nice segment, No brawl which wasn't much of a surprise. Heyman and CM Punk were again brilliant, Another strong segment. And you get 3 Daniel Bryan matches, How can you complain? Bryan was a star of the show as usual. They advertised Big Show to return yet He didn't return. No Randy Orton on the show as well, I think they'll keep him off TV till SummerSlam. I was disappointed that No Wyatt Family, No logic behind that. Most of the matches weren't that exciting but The Final hour was awesome.