Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Monday Night Raw June 24th, 2013 - Review

This week's Raw was another great episode with some solid matches and some great segments. It wasn't better than last week's show but that shouldn't be surprising. It was still not as bad as you'd think, The 1st hour and second hour dragged at times but the third hour was great. 

- The opening video package showed what happend on Raw last week. Brock Lesnar giving CM Punk a F5 and Mark Henry attacked John Cena. It was a great video package. 

Daniel Bryan kicked off the show with massive cheers. He talked about How people never believed that He was a wrestler, and they thought He was an extra in the hobbit. He said He is not the weak link, which was the whole point of the promo. He said He beat Randy Orton on Smackdown by count-out, and If It was anybody else He'd have took a count-out win but He isn't like them, He won't be satisfied until He pins Randy Orton or makes him tap out. Randy Orton comes out and tells Daniel Bryan to "Shut up and fight".

Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan had a brawl for about a minute or so, and then the match ended in a double DQ. It wasn't the most exciting start to Raw but I think It was done to set up a re-match between the two later in the night so at least It was effective. 

- Vickie Guerrero, Brad Maddox and Daniel Bryan are backstage. Bryan wasn't happy about the match ending in a double DQ and wanted a rematch. Vickie set up a rematch between the two later in the night.

Decent match that ended in Sheamus and Christian beating The Rhodes Scholars. I think It would've been better to have Christian pin to win the match but I guess they wanted Sheamus to get his revenge from last week after losing to Sandow. I thought It was hilarious that Christian was Sheamus' tag-partner since they had a huge rivalry in 2011 and in 2012 Christian wanted Sheamus' brogue kick to be banned during the DelRio/Sheamus feud. Also, Sheamus vs Damien Sandow in a Dublin Street Fight is announced for Smackdown.

- Backstage Vickie was trying to talk to CM Punk but Punk was Ignoring her. He asked her If Paul Heyman is here, and then He asked If Brock Lesnar is here. Vickie then told Punk He will be competing in a match tonight since He was ignoring her. CM Punk seemed to not even give a crap about anything other than Lesnar/Heyman, Oh and Chicago BlackHawks. 

Kaitlyn defeated Aksana in under one minute. During the match, AJ's music hit and She was dressed up as Kaitlyn which I thought was very well done. AJ & Big E Langston continued to mock Kaitlyn while Layla isn't letting Kaitlyn go. This was excellent, They are really pushing the Divas Division which is pretty great. Very entertaining stuff!

Another creepy Wyatt family video was shown. I think they'll most likely debut before SummerSlam.

Chris Jericho defeated Alberto Del Rio in a great match by DQ. That was a excellent match between Del Rio and Jericho. Ricardo Rodriguez hit Jericho with the Stupid Bucket which caused the DQ. Del Rio may not be the best on the mic but He is really great in the ring. He proved that with Jericho was also looked strong here. Dolph Ziggler came out and attacked Alberto Del Rio just like He did last week. Ziggler gave both Del Rio and Jericho a Zig-Zag which lead me to believe We will see a triple threat between the three for the World Heavyweight Champion at Money In The Bank. They have booked Ziggler perfectly since His face turn. 

- Backstage segment with HHH, Vickie and Maddox. HHH said that He heard that The Bryan/Orton match is getting cancelled and He doesn't want It too. Vince is the villian in this McMahon story and HHH is the one that does what we fans want. And Well Stephanie, She is just stuck in the middle.

- Vickie Guerrero , Brad Maddox and Jerry Lawler are in the ring as they showed the WWE 2K14 cover. Vickie was getting A LOT of heat from the crowd was just amazing. Vickie is the best heel in the WWE at the moment. They wasted a lot of time to show the cover but In the end they finally showed and It was none other than The Rock. Yes everybody The Rock is a part timer but I believe It's good because after all It's business. I always buy the video games, so I don't care who is on the cover.

Squash match between Ryback and The Great Khali. Ryback was not on Raw last week (selling the Ambulance spot from Payback), so He made his return this week to face the biggest name left in WWE. It was pretty Impressive seeing Ryback Shell Shock The Great Khali, He has lost so many PPVs that It's hard to take him seriously. 

The WWE Champion John Cena came out with the usual mixed reaction from the crowd. Cena talked about How people have done some crazy things in the past to get to the WWE Champion. He said He saw last week How low can someone sink in to get the WWE Champion. People always talk about How WWE Champion isn't that prestige but this promo was just all about How Important the WWE Champion is. That was a strong promo from John Cena, I was kind of surprised that Henry didn't Interrupt but He had his own promo time later in the night which I will get to. 

The Usos beat Brodus & Tensai and Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre to become the #1 contenders for the WWE Tag Team Champions. The Shield doesn't have a lot of challengers at the moment and WWE had Usos wins few matches in the last weeks so It was pretty obvious that They'll win. The Shield's music hit as Ambrose, Reigns and Rollins stared at The Usos. I think we will see Usos get their title match at the Money In The Bank pay-per-view.

Paul Heyman comes out and they're showing the footage from last week where Lesnar attacked CM Punk. Heyman said He didn't answer Punk's texts, phone calls, etc because He wanted to respond on Raw. CM Punk comes out with a great ovation from the crowd. CM Punk talked about Why He is the Paul Heyman guy which was the great part of the promo. He told Heyman to let Lesnar know that He is coming for him. Punk said He doesn't care if Brock is bigger than him, stronger than him but the fact is He is better than him. Punk said He is the Best Wrestler In The World. Punk talked about How Heyman has always lied but never did any wrong to him. He asked Paul Heyman to tell the truth If He had a role in why Brock Lesnar attacked him last week. 
As the fans chanted "We want the truth", Heyman said He swears off his children that He did not know If Brock Lesnar was going to show up last week. As Heyman was saying How Punk wants the truth, I thought He was really going to say Yeah He sent Lesnar. Heyman said He will walk down with Punk someday again and When He is challenging for the WWE Champion. Fans chanted "GTS" as Punk looked at Paul Heyman and they Hugged It out. Punk said I'm sorry I doubted you and they hugged for more than 30 minutes. This was a Excellent promo between the two of the best on the mic. I do think Heyman will turn on Punk sooner or later but This promo was really brilliant. 

Good match between CM Punk and Darren Young.  I was surprised as this match lasted more than five minutes as I didn't expect It to be. Punk made Young tapped out and after the match Both Titus and Young attacked Punk as the other Paul Heyman Guy Curtis Axel made the save. Punk did not lookmAhappy about It. Also Curtis Axel & CM Punk vs Prime Time Players is announced for next week.

Stephanie McMahon came out and She said It's that time of the year again - Money In The Bank. Stephanie announced the WWE Championship MITB participants: CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Randy Orton, Christian, Kane, RVD. I have to say this will be an awesome MITB match. I know I'm not the only one that has noticed All are babyfaces and there are no heels. The star power in this match is huge, and I think It will be a excellent match at Money In The Bank.

- Backstage Vickie and Maddox were talking about How Incredible of a job Stephanie has done. Ryback walked in and said He wants a title shot since He has pinned John Cena and John Cena has never pinned him. Cena won a tables match and a Ambulance match at Payback. Chris Jericho also walked in and said He also wants a title shot. Vickie set up a match between the two at the MITB ppv. 

Mark Henry came out, He was very happy. He talked about How everybody was chanting "Henry, Henry Henry" last week when He said He was retiring. Henry said the fans are puppets and they do what He tells them to do. Great promo from Mark Henry again, It wasn't as good as last weeks but He got his point across. Bit of surprising that both Cena and Henry cut a separate promo. Nonetheless, Good promo from Mark Henry. 

Daniel Bryan celebrates after beating Randy Orton

Excellent Street Fight match between Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan. I was surprised that This match was the main event but It was good to see a change. Daniel Bryan made Randy Orton tap out to win the match which I was also shocked. I thought Bryan would win via a pinfall but making Randy Orton tap out established him as a star. I think the last time Randy Orton taped out was against Alberto Del Rio in 2012. I think Daniel Bryan might win the MITB with the crowd reaction He gets and this win over Orton proves He is going to be pushed. Post-match Bryan celebrated with the crowd, and they chanted "You taped out" to Randy Orton. Raw ended with Bryan celebrating as the crowd chanted YES!

As I said, The show wasn't as good as It was last week but Still It was a great episode. There were two great matches. The Heyman/Punk segment was awesome, Cena/Henry's strong promo. Only four matches are announced for the Money In The Bank pay-per-view but I expect more to be added soon as There are two more Episodes of Raw left before the MITB pay-per-view. 

Follow me on Twitter: @OfficialCenafan

               PICTURE OF THE WEEK: 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Matches Confirmed for Money In The Bank 2013

WWE Champion: John Cena vs Mark Henry 

World Heavyweight Champion: Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler

WWE Championship Contract MITB Ladder Match

Chris Jericho vs Ryback

World Heavyweight Champion Contract MITB Ladder Match
WWE Tag Team Champions: Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins vs The Usos
(KickOff Match)
Divas Champion: AJ lee vs Kaitlyn
Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel vs The Miz

Monday Night Raw June, 17th 2013 - Review

This was the post Payback show and It was one of the best episodes of Raw in recent memory. It was just like the Day after WrestleMania 29, It was just fantastic. Crowd was just not that hot as post-WM show one but Damn, they were better than most of the crowds. The show featured swerve, New feuds, returns and more. We kicked off two major feuds as well. The Money In The Bank which is in 4 weeks, The card you predict already looks fantastic. Alberto Del Rio officially turned heel, Mark Henry trolled fans, Brock Lesnar made his return. As always, I will talk about each match and segment and give my thoughts about It, so Let's go...

The New World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio kicked off the show. He barely got a reaction from the crowd to be honest, but He did later in his promo. He talked about How people cheered Ziggler when He was cashing in his MITB contract on him after WM 29 and He said that's exactly what He did. He made a Interesting point there that received a lot of boos. He called Ziggler "a pig and a coward". Just to point out that Alberto Del Rio cashed in his MITB the exact same way on CM Punk at SummerSlam 2011. The crowd booed Del Rio more - Exactly what Del Rio needs. 

Out comes, CM Punk. He reminded Del Rio about Survivor Series 2011 and How his historic title reign started there by beating him. CM Punk also defended Dolph Ziggler by saying He deserves his rematch. Punk challenged Del Rio to a match on Raw, Paul Heyman said His clients don't fight for free, Punk was annoyed by that. Good to see they teased a Punk/Heyman break-up which willl happen soon. Vickie Guerrero and Brad Maddox comes out and makes Del Rio vs Punk the main event of Raw tonight. That was a great segment to kick off the show - Del Rio did his job well as a heel, A great promo from him. 

Backstage Heyman apologizes to CM Punk for what He said earlier. CM Punk told Heyman that He does not need his help, He told him that He does not need him to be ringside for any of his matches anymore. Again, Great tease which will happen soon. 

Wade Barrett was set to have his rematch vs Curtis Axel for the Intercontinental Champion, Vickie Guerrero comes out and announced that Barrett will face a Returning Superstar...... CHRISTIAN! It's good to see Christian back but from few weeks I've been hearing about How WWE doesn't have any storyline for him to return but that return was just random. They could've done this like a month ago. Christian gets a pinfall victory over the former IC Champion Wade Barrett. 

Another Bray Wyatt Vignette aired, It looks like It's the same to me every week but nevertheless, Let's hope they debut soon.

Sheamus took on both members of Team Rhodes Scholars. It was a fun match, with a great ending. Damien Sandow getting the upset victory over Sheamus was awesome, But they could've done this at Payback. Sheamus still gave Cody Rhodes a brogue kick after the match. I do wonder if this feud has ended or not. 

Backstage segment between HHH and Vickie. Triple H told her to make a example of The Shield and put on a good show tonight. I don't really mind these segments between The McMahons I think They are entertaining. 

Backstage segment with Daniel Bryan and Kane. Bryan said Kane is glad that He and Orton didn't win the Tag titles at Payback. Bryan said He wants to go for the WWE Championship, He wants to focus on "Team Daniel Bryan or Team D.B". And Kane with the line of the night "That makes sense because you are acting like a D.B". That might be the end of Team Hell No but I don't think so.

Fans had to choose the match between Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan on Our favorite app on the Internet. It was set to be a NO DQ match. The match was going pretty great until Bryan suffered a Injury by Orton. The Doctors had to stop the match. The match could've been really good but The finish ruined It.

The Divas Champion AJ is out to cut a promo about her win at Payback. She talked about How she is a example of How a women should be "Strong, Brilliant, courageous". She challenged anyone to come down here and Stephanie McMahon Interrupted. Stephanie cut a amazing promo, While AJ looked unstable. Kaitlyn soon Interrupted Boss Lady and went onto the ring to brawl with AJ Lee. Big E Langston had to break the fight. Stephanie telling Kaitlyn and rest of the divas to never Interrupt her was pure gold. The segment furthered the feud between AJ and Kaitlyn. Overall, a great segment. Finally people are caring about The Divas. 

It's time for a United States Champion rematch from Payback pay-per-view between Dean Ambrose and Kane. The match between these two at Payback wasn't even that good, Least favorite match of the night. The Shield got Involved in this match, Roman Reigns speared Kane. They should seriously do something different with The Shield, It's almost like the samething every week. We saw Vickie Guerrero talking to The Shield backstage, Remember folks Triple H warned Vickie that Shield should not get Involved in this match. "What are you going to do, Spank us" - Ambrose. PG, oops. 

Zeb Colter is out and He aligns with Antonio Cesaro. Some might say this doesn't make sense, but This could be what Cesaro needs. He has been losing matches recently so It's good for Cesaro. It was up against William Regal, It was just like a squash match. Cesaro won the match with The Neutralizer. 

The WWE Champion John Cena is out to address his win from WWE Payback. Cena talked about His awful 2012 and How bad It was. He said that It's not gonna be easy for the Money In The Bank winner to target him, He will always be ready. Mark Henry Interrupts and is out to announce his retirement. First thing I thought: Why would Mark Henry announce his retirement during Cena's promo? Well I wasn't fully trolled. Mark Henry had tears in his eyes (Not sure If those were real), The fans chanted "Thank You Henry" as He talked about being home with his family. Cena comes to hug Henry as Henry gives him a Worlds Strongest Slam. "I got a lot left in the tank". First of all, That was a great promo from Henry. I was mixed with what to believe because I was thinking He is really retiring then I thought Nah. But He really trolled a lot of people with a show stealing performance. I thought He was going to retire but When He Interrupted Cena, I wasn't sure If he is really retiring. John Cena vs Mark Henry for the WWE Championship is made official for the Money In The Bank pay-per-view.

Decent match between Heath Slater and Chris Jericho. This was probably the only match that I wasn't really Interested in through out the whole show but Jericho made It Interesting. Jericho got the easy win over Heath Slater with a codebreaker. They should have a new feud for Jericho now, but I'm thinking He is leaving soon for Fozzy.

The New Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel faced Sin Cara. Axel's moves looked way too awkward, especially the DDT. You can blame The Botchamania Sin Cara for It. Axel won the match by pinfall after a DDT. This was the 2nd squash match on the show along with the Cesaro/Regal match.

Time for the Main Event match between Alberto Del Rio and CM Punk. I was really surprised that this match is ending the show and not that Mark Henry segment but A return was the reason It was the main event. Del Rio kept getting out of the ring every chance He got proving more that He is a coward heel. Del Rio was leaving, Dolph Ziggler attacked from behind, Crowd popped for that. But then... Brock Lesnar returned and went face-to-face with CM Punk and gave him a devastating F5. It seems like Heyman sent Lesnar to do that based on what Punk said to Heyman earlier on the night or Brock just didn't appreciate that Punk said He [Lesnar] needs Paul Heymans help. We will most likely see CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar feud now but I wonder If we'll see It at MITB or at SummerSlam. Either way, It is going to be a great feud between Two Paul Heyman guys. 

Overall, This was a great Episode of Monday Night Raw. It seems like the Post PPV shows are exciting. This was the best Raw in recent years, up there with the Post WrestleMania 28 and WrestleMania 29 Raw. The Show is improving every week, Which is good to see. Summer is here and Wrestling is fun, I hope WWE continues giving us shows like this more often or every week. 

Make sure you follow me on Twitter: @OfficialCenafan

             Picture Of The Week: 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

WWE Payback 2013 Predictions

Kick-off Show Match: Damien Sandow vs Sheamus - I can honestly say that Sheamus bores me at the moment. Not taking any credit away from his ring-work which is solid but his character at the moment is just lost. He is way better as a heel, and as a babyface they barely have anything for him. I really think WWE should push Damien Sandow, He is really great. It's great to see Sandow getting the upper hand on Sheamus but Sadly come Sunday, All I see is him getting a Brogue Kick from Sheamus.

Winner: Sheamus

Divas Champion: Kaitlyn vs AJ Lee - I won't lie, I'm not really a big fan of Divas Division at the moment. The title barely gets defended and when It's defended It's for about 2 minutes so I'm justified to say Divas Division isn't Interesting. However, AJ is one or The one that actually makes It quite Interesting. She plays her psycho character very well and She does a great job at It. 

This match should've happend a long time ago, But I'm glad It's finally happening. The promo that AJ cut on Raw was fantastic & hyped their match Sunday. AJ is bound to win the Divas Champion since a long time and Kaitlyn barely defends It so I think AJ Lee will finally win.

Winner: AJ Lee (New Champ)

United States Championship: Dean Ambrose vs Kane - This match was randomly thrown away to the PPV on Raw. We've seen Shield vs Team Hell No a lot of time, So at least Kane vs Ambrose isn't all that bad. Dean Ambrose will finally bring some prestigious to the United States Title and Kane doesn't need It anyways, so I'm predicting Ambrose to beat Kane.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

Intercontinental Championship:  Wade Barrett vs The Miz vs Curtis Axel - Fandango was originally supposed to be part of this match Instead of Axel but because of Fandango's concussion, They added Axel to this match. The Miz won the Intercontinental Champion at WrestleMania from Barrett and Lost It to Barrett the very next day on Raw - Wow great reign. Ever since then Barrett has been the champion and That title has been a curse to him. He has been getting buried every single week. Just like Dean Ambrose, I hope Curtis Axel wins this match which He will and make the IC Champion relevant again. PERFECT!

Winner: Curtis Axel (New Champ)

Tag Team Championship:  Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan - After Randy Orton RKO'd Daniel Bryan on Smackdown, I thought It would be Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton at Payback but guess plans changed yet again. While everybody hopes for a Randy Orton heel turn, A Daniel Bryan heel turn is more likely as It was reported this week. Daniel Bryan can cost Orton this match or just leave during middle of the match because He believes that Orton thinks He is the "weakest link". 

Winner: Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins

World Heavyweight Championship: Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio - This match has had no build up whatsoever Due to Dolph Ziggler's Injury. It didn't even feel like We had a World Heavyweight Champion anymore because Dolph was out for like 5 weeks. This match had no build up but Still I expect this match to be good. Both have really good chemistry and I'm expecting this to be the last time we see Del Rio in World Title picture in 2013. 

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Chris Jericho vs CM Punk - There have been a lot of speculation about this match. Because 3 weeks ago During the Highlight Reel between Jericho and Heyman, Chris Jericho challenged CM Punk to a match and Paul Heyman behalf of CM Punk accepted the match. Then we've had a contract signing between Heyman and Jericho as well. So basically, WWE has been teasing Punk's return. I was expecting Curtis Axel to replace CM Punk in this match and face Jericho but now I doubt It since Axel has his own match Sunday. 

The question is will Punk return as a face or heel? Remember folks, Payback is in Chicago and Chicago loves CM Punk. That's just a fact. There is a chance that Punk won't even show up. Some websites reported this week that Chris Jericho is scheduled to turn heel at Payback. I think If CM Punk shows up and wrestles then I think they should have Lesnar come out and probably have a stare down with Punk that could set the feud for the Summer. Heyman could also cost Punk the match which will lead to a Punk face turn and Jericho heel turn as reported. If CM Punk shows up, I think He should win this match. After losing two matches to Rock, To Undertaker at WrestleMania, Punk must return and win. 

Winner: CM Punk

WWE Championship: John Cena vs Ryback (3 Stages of Hell) - The 3 Stages of Hell match returns for the first time in probably 3-4 years. I'm happy that It's returning but the stipulations like Lumberjack, Tables, Ambulance are really weak. You can almost guarantee that his match will go to the third fall, The Ambulance has been the big factor. Ryback's promos are awful but He has been Improving and has wrestled some good matches in the last few weeks.

Let me remind you, Ryback has not won a WWE pay-per-view match since Money In The Bank 2012. This feud hasn't been that great but It's far from terrible. I for one actually enjoyed Ryback vs John Cena match at Extreme Rules, The finish was a draw as expected but The match wasn't that bad. I've been saying for weeks that WWE turned Ryback heel at the wrong time, He needs a PPV win. John Cena has won the WWE Champion after nearly two years and I don't expect him to drop It this soon. I'm predicting Cena to win the Lumberjack, Ryback to win the Tables - Cena doesn't have to be pinned and Cena to put Ryback in the ambulance for the victory.

Winner: John Cena

The Summer is almost here and that's when WWE gets exciting. This is a new PPV name - Payback and while many people might not be Interested in It, I am. The Chicago crowd will really make the show entertaining. I'm expecting a few title changes - Divas Champion, IC Champion. These are all my Payback predictions, I usually get about almost all right. I apologize in advance for spoiling you with the matches, Enjoy the pay-per-view.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

John Cena Edits

I will be posting John Cena edits here. I will mostly post headers and Icons, that you can use If you want. I won't post that much but I will be posting whenever I can, You can use them if you want but do credit me. Thank you. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Monday Night Raw June 3rd, 2013 - Review

Just two weeks until Payback, we're live from Hartford, Connecticut.  This week's Raw was actually great in my opinion. From like 2-3 weeks, Raw has actually been good. Highlight of the show was Daniel Bryan, McMahons returned to the show. Some great matches as well. I will discuss each segment/match in this article. So here we go...

Stephanie McMahon kicked off the show. It was really great to see her back. She talked about her husband Triple H facing Brock Lesnar at Extreme Rules and then Curtis Axel the next night. Since Axel vs HHH was booked for tonight's show, She said HHH will not compete because She won't let him. The fans booed and She says Stop being selfish about It and She is making this decision as most Importantly, a mother. And Here comes Vince McMahon, He tells the crowd to stop booing her daughters. He said they care about Triple H more than the fans does. He said "WWE is a family entertainment- It's not a blood sport" (Okay Vince). He said Curtis Axel is beneath Triple H just like all the fans are (A bit heelish, ah?). The Shield music hit and then we go to break. Then we come back from the break and The McMahon have already disappeared. Such a let-down because I was expecting Shield to destroy Vince or something or just some talking on the mic. But WWE were smart to have the viewers wonder what is going to happen next. You could've only seen McMahons leave when Shield arrived If you had the WWE App. Install the damn app (Just kidding). Great start to Monday Night Raw that ended with a disappointment. Nevertheless, It was good to see Stephanie and Vince. 

Excellent match between The Shield and Team Hell No/Orton. I love these matches and I like How WWE gives them about 20 minutes but We've seen It too many times. The pop Daniel Bryan received during the match was Incredible, He is so over with the crowd. I thought It would be Shield vs Sheamus and Orton for the titles at Payback PPV but I guess they've dropped that as well, Not surprising. Again, This was a really good match but Don't have It every week, Have Shield face someone else. 

Backstage we see Daniel Bryan arguing with Kane and Randy Orton. He says that even Orton believes that He is the weak link now. Orton says no, He respects Bryan. But Bryan doesn't believe It and says He is going to do something that will make them respect him. Good to see WWE making Bryan a aggressive babyface, Just hope they don't turn him heel.

Triple H shows up , He talked to Vince and Stephanie. He says He wants to wrestle Axel tonight and Vince doesn't want him to. Vince later told him "Don't do something that you will later regret". I didn't know what that means but I guess we'll find out soon. Perhaps a McMahon Heel turn?

Decent match between The Usos and Prime Time Players. It was very good to see The Usos on Raw and especially winning their match. I also like the PTP but It was good to see The Usos get a win. Hope they're on Raw more often. 

And we're here.... Another match between Big E Langston and Alberto Del Rio. Just to recap; Del Rio has beat Langston twice and Langston has beat him twice. Cole mentioned last week that this is their rubber match since both had one win over each other and then we're here one week later.. They're wrestling for the fifth time in 3 weeks. This is what happens When Dolph Ziggler is here? I guess so. No matter how good that match could've been, Seeing this match for the 5th time was like seeing Zack Ryder get a entrance and win a match - absolutely unacceptable. I was hoping for Ziggler to appear after the match but Another week, I'm guessing? Payback in Chicago is in two weeks and if they'll probably just add that match to the card without a lot of build up.

Good match between Sheamus and Cody Rhodes. I like Sheamus' ring-work but It's hard to take him seriously. His character has gotten so stale, they barely have anything for him anymore. He is now feuding with Damien Sandow - I wonder if Sandow will beat him. They also don't have any feud for Cody Rhodes at the moment which is sad. Sheamus' character is more like a bully/heel. This was one of the matches that I didn't really like on the show.

Triple H is backstage with Stephanie McMahon. HHH is leaving and says He is leaving because of her and because He doesn't wanna kick Vince's ass. The whole show was based on this story last night, It's getting Interesting and I like It. HHH vs Axel booked for next week's show now. They booked/changed this Axel/HHH match like five times.

Daniel Bryan vs Ryback was made official. John Cena vs Curtis Axel in a No DQ match is our main event.

Fandango goes from beating Chris Jericho at WrestleMania to facing Great Khali on Raw. His popularity started on April 8th and was also ended on April 8th. He is barely over with the crowd, His entrance was/is. I am guessing this was that comedy we see at least once or twice on Raw each week. Ah! 

Good match between Wade Barrett and The Miz. It seems like we will be getting Miz vs Fandango vs Barrett for the Intercontinental Title at Payback in 2 weeks. The fact that they haven't even announced It yet is really dumb. I have said It for few weeks, They continue to bury Barrett which is sad. I think losing the Intercontinental Title could be something that would help Barrett as this title has made a joke of him. 

Entertaining Contract signing for the Chris Jericho and CM Punk match at Payback. Heyman was yet again at his best. It wasn't better than last week but It wasn't that bad. It seems kind of weird not having Punk on the show before his match at Payback. I'm almost positive that this match will not take place. It's too obvious, However I give credit to WWE for teasing Punk's return to the fans. The more they tease It, the more the fans will get excited for It. CM Punk not showing up for the match could lead to a Face-turn for him as well. 

Throw-away match between The Bellas/AJ Lee vs The Funkadactlys and Divas Champion Kaitlyn. Jerry Lawler was the only one that was excited for this match, He was being distracted by seeing 6 hot divas. This match moved the AJ Lee/Kaitlyn match forward. This match for the Divas Champion needs to happen already. It's been 3-4 months now. 

Great match between Ryback and Daniel Bryan. This was 2nd match that Bryan wrestled in the night and Both were great. Bryan made Ryback look very good - which is exactly what Ryback needs to even be looked as a threat to Cena's title reign. It was a really good match, Bryan once again was Incredible. He is really fun to watch, Looking forward to seeing him more. Ryback was trying to break the table on Bryan again, as Cena made the save. Ryback ran away, Now It's time for our main event! 

Good match between WWE Champion John Cena and Curtis Axel. It was a No DQ match but You can still be counted out, I guess. Axel won the match by count-out with the help of Ryback. People keep complaining that Axel isn't winning a match by pinfall, This was the 3rd straight week that He has been in the main event; That's already putting him over. The ending was very predictable, the "No DQ Stipulation" just says It already: Ryback Interferes. The same ending to last week, They kept Cena strong (He lost by count out) and Axel continued his winning streak. The show ended with Ryback standing tall over Cena and saying his catchphrase "Ryback Rules"!  

Overall, A Really fun edition of Monday Night Raw. The star and highlight of the Show was Daniel Bryan. He was looked as a aggressive babyface and is really over with the crowd. Some great matches; Really enjoyed It. However, WWE needs to add more matches on the Payback card, even though They might think People are already sold on the event because CM Punk is returning. 

Follow me on Twitter: @OfficialCenafan

            PICTURE OF THE WEEK: